Palace Hotel Tokyo Seasonal Information Winter 2024-2025

冬の味覚を代表する海の幸を、心ゆくまで。しっとりとした舌触りの松葉蟹は鳥取から。味噌が秀逸で香りも高い毛蟹と、濃い味わいのタラバ蟹は北海道から。それぞれに際立つ持ち味を余さず生かして、前菜、お椀に始まり、刺身に焼きと進み、締めは炊き込み御飯か雑炊を。まさに蟹づくしの会席で、口福の時をお過ごしください。Savor to your utmost satisfaction a sea-food feast that perfectly captures the flavors of winter. Balancing the distinct flavors of three kinds of crab, it starts with an appetizer and soup followed by sashimi and grilled dishes, to finish with steamed mixed rice or rice porridge. Enjoy opulent moments with this crab kaiseki.Crab-based Mouthwatering Delight蟹づくし。まさに口福の時。

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